Transform your Restaurant Group or Franchise with Sage Intacct

Are you struggling with antiquated accounting and payroll systems that aren’t equipped to support your growing business? Partner with Aprio to implement Sage Intacct, the best-in-class cloud accounting, financial reporting, key performance metrics, automated data entry, open API program that can help take your restaurant group or franchise to new heights.

Contact our team today to learn if your business is a good candidate for Sage Intacct.

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Frank McLaughlin

Frank McLaughlin

Restaurant, Franchise & Hospitality | Partner

One ERP solution to satisfy your business’s needs

Say goodbye to bulky systems. Say hello to time and dollar savings with Sage Intacct’s automated, AI-powered platform.

Thanks to its open API model, Aprio can connect the Sage Intacct platform with other best-in-class technology tools to provide your franchise with powerful automations and streamlined data flow.

Sage Intacct can increase your finance team’s productivity by 40%
Sage Intacct can increase your finance team’s productivity by 40%
On average, Sage Intacct can reduce your close time by 50%
On average, Sage Intacct can reduce your close time by 50%

No more manual processes and data-crunching

Aprio harnesses the power of Sage Intacct to provide your franchise with a multi-dimensional general ledger (GL) that includes customized reports, real-time dashboards, workflows, and KPIs that are crucial to sound decision-making.

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Core Financials

Sage Intacct’s core financial features allow you to streamline cash management, ordering, invoicing, billing, purchasing, and more through one consolidated, easy-to-use platform.

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Dashboards & Reporting

Sage Intacct allows you to transform raw data into actionable insights, thanks to the system’s instant financial reports and fully customizable dashboards.

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Bank Feeds

Sage Intacct can securely connect to more than 10,000 banks across the globe, which allows you to make automatic transactions and keep tabs on daily cash, allowing for a continuous close.

AP Automation

AP Automation

Easily track down missing invoices, get approvals, and streamline data entry with Sage Intacct’s automated accounts payable (AP) feature. With the tool’s intuitive, AI-powered capabilities, you can cut your AP processing time in half.

See Sage Intacct in action

Aprio understands the relationship franchisors and franchisees share. Our knowledge of the economic factors, structural complexities, and daily challenges of managing franchise operations helps franchisors and franchisees alike achieve success and continued growth.

Sage Intacct CFO Dashboard

Take your franchise to the next level

Partner with Aprio’s Restaurant, Franchise & Hospitality team for deep industry experience, ERP expertise, and streamlined tools to make your franchise more agile.

Schedule a Consultation