Business Growth
Three Key Points Healthcare IT Businesses Need to Communicate When Pitching Investors
Innovation in Digital Healthcare and Healthcare IT is a hot ticket item in the capital markets right now, which has…
Weighing the Risks of a Technology M&A Transaction During the Pandemic
Technology companies and startups have historically thrived off M&A transactions, but the pandemic has added a new layer of uncertainty…
Private Equity Webinar Series Session 6: Rethinking Valuation
Watch Aprio’s webinar Rethinking Valuation part six of our webinar series, COVID-19 Private Equity Reset: Creating Value in a New…
Webinar: Growth and Buyout Capital during COVID: PEGs and VCs From Across the Country Provide Insight
Watch the webinar now, as our expert panelists continue the discussion on how the pandemic is changing the landscape of…
SBA Revises the Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application
On June 16, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) released the updated Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan Forgiveness Application…
Webinar: Raising Series A and B Growth Capital during COVID: VC’s From Across the Country Provide Insight
Watch the webinar as our expert panelists discuss how the pandemic is changing the landscape of how VC’s are…
Webinar: 30-Day Locking in Your Liquidity
Watch Part 1 of Aprio’s 30-60-90 Day Treatment Plan for Your Dental Practice Webinar Series now as our panelists…
What Your Medical Practice Needs to Know about the Medicare Relief Fund Payments
As part of the CARES Act, $100 billion was appropriated to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to…
New Stimulus Package Further Funds Small Businesses – Contact Your Bank Today
On Thursday, April 23, 2020, the House passed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act, a fourth coronavirus-related…