Eric Krucke Explores the Rise of Founder-Friendly Capital in Inc.

November 1, 2024

Nov. 1, 2024 – Eric Krucke, CFO Practice Leader at Aprio, was featured in the Oct. 31, 2024, Inc. article titled, “Scale Farther and Faster with Founder-Friendly Capital.” In the article, Eric discussed how private equity (PE) firms are shifting toward “founder-friendly” capital to attract owners of smaller businesses, often those with fewer than 100 employees.

Eric explained that these founder-friendly deals prioritize legacy preservation, company culture, and the possibility for founders to maintain significant ownership. “Private equity is shifting to meet founders on their terms, creating pathways for sustained growth and entrepreneurial legacy,” Eric noted, highlighting the trend of longer or even permanent investment hold periods.

Visit Inc. for the full article.

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