
Jim Fennel, CPA   

National Government Contracting Services Leader | Audit Partner | I help government contractors thrive from startup to exit.

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US capitol building

Who I work with

I work with business owners, executives and private equity sponsors of companies that are conducting business or seeking to conduct business with the U.S. federal government.

My specialty

I use my strong industry and CPA knowledge to serve clients as a GovCon lifecycle business advisor and business connector. I provide strategic consulting on financial statements, audits and tax matters that support profitability and growth opportunities. I believe in developing meaningful relationships that drive understanding and the ability to serve clients as an advocate. This approach creates better insights into my clients’ pain points to provide solutions that drive results and value.


Results I have delivered

I have worked with hundreds of government contractors in my career, covering the full business lifecycle — from supporting GovCon industry entries to successful exits. My work has aggregated over $2 billion in exit value. I always look beyond the mechanics of audit, tax and consulting services to deliver meaningful results that positively impact business value.

Unique things about me

I grew up in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, and my first paying job as a teen was mowing and shoveling snow in my neighborhood. Being the first person in my family to go to college lit the entrepreneurial fire in me that led to my career as a CPA.

picture of shoveling snow
Jim Fennel with family shark fishing

When I am not at work

Every year, our family vacations in Charleston, South Carolina, for an annual shark fishing and watersports adventure. It’s a great mix of beach, history and food! Other getaways include sneaking away to our place in Ocean City, Maryland. As a sports fan, I wave the “Terrible Towel” for the Steelers and also love mixed martial arts!

People say I am


A beyond-compliance advisor and audit partner who is always helping clients prepare for what’s next. I’m known as the “GovCon company client quarterback.”



I earned my Bachelor of Arts from Saint Vincent College. My memberships include the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), the Small and Emerging Contractors Advisory Forum (SECAF) and the Aronson LLC Board of Directors (January 2018–December 2022).