Achieving Synergy: The Benefits of Combining ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Audits

ISO 9001 - ISO 27001 Audits

At a glance: Schedule a consultation with Aprio’s Technology Assurance Services team today. The full story: In the contemporary business landscape, where information security and quality management are paramount, organizations often find themselves grappling with the challenge of managing multiple standards to ensure comprehensive compliance. Two key standards that address different facets of organizational management…

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Navigating FAR 31.205: Selected Costs: Penalties on Unallowable Costs

Gavel and stack US paper currency on the table

At a glance: Schedule a consultation with Aprio’s Government Contracting team today. The full story: In previous discussions, we’ve covered various aspects of unallowable costs, including how to account for them and the importance of not claiming them. Now let’s delve into another crucial part of the subject: the potential penalties associated with including unallowable…

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How Can Future Generations Inspire Commercial Development?

Planning commercial developments that will succeed now and in the future means designing projects that can appeal across generations. Generational differences impact where people live, work, shop and play. Every generation has unique characteristics, workstyles and consumer behavior. From Baby Boomers to millennials and the coming Generation Z, here are some key distinctions to remember…

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